torsdag 31. oktober 2013

Assignment #3 - Social Media Marketing Analysis by Oda Herseth Noppi

Analysis of Snapple´s page on Facebook 

I am going to write an analysis/evaluation of Snapple’s social media page on Facebook.
In relation to premiums, I can’t see anything that Snapple gives away to their customers/followers unless they participate in a competition. They have a lot of statuses, like; “Kick of your shoes and pop open a Snapple.” And “Everyday I’m Snapplin’” to get people to drink more Snapple. A lot of people like this statuses and comment. They have an application you can download to get a free Snapple-game on your smart-phone. They also have a competition where people can send in real facts about Snapple and get it printed on a t-shirt. To involve more users they also have a couple of surveys.

Snapple post a lot of stuff on the Facebook-site, like pictures and movies. The design is very nice, and at the first sight, it looks like a professional site. Many people ask about things, and tell about their participation in competitions and their experiences with the suggestions from Snapple. For example how they felt when they drunk the first frozen Snapple. They have a good dialogue environment where they can communicate with the users. When they do, they encourage people to get tell their family and friends about their Facebook-site and they ask about their experiences with new products. Snapple provides new materials regularly. They have at least one new publication a day. I don’t think anything is engaging, but sometimes they have stuff that could be interesting.

I think this commercial page doing an ok job. They could have more events and premiums to involve more users. Except from that, I think they are very active with posting things, and they are also concerned about having dialogue with their customers.

Oda Herseth Noppi

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