Analysis of Dunkin´Donuts´ page on Facebook
I have chosen Dunkin' Donuts' Facebook page as the object of study for this assignment. Their fan page has over ten million likes. In class last week, we learned about the attractive content a company could have on their social media site. This included content that is interactive, participatory, entertaining, meaningful, give away free stuff and regular flow. A lot of these things happen on the Facebook page of Dunkin' Donuts.
The Dunkin' Donuts' Facebook page does not provide free things. They promote an DD-app where people can get free coffee or discounts on donuts, but this is not connected to a 'like' on their Facebook page.
Dunkin' Donuts promote a lot of sporting events, and link their page to a Ustream live Gronk chat. This is a way for DD-fans to be in direct contact with a famous football player. This is a way for the unhealthy donuts company to look healthier by promoting sports. Their promotion text for this is: “Join us for a live Facebook Q&A with Rob “Gronk” Gronkowski of the New England Patriots hosted by Scott Zolak of 98.5 SportsHub on Tuesday, November 5, 7-7:30 p.m. Submit your questions for Gronk to @DunkinBoston and listen in to see if YOUR question is answered by #87!”
User-Generated Content
They have linked their facebook page with instagram, and encourage fans to share stories and pictures with #mydunkin, creating a gallery of fan submitted content. They also have the “fan of the week” gallery, where people can post a picture of them selves with something DD related and the winner will have their photo posted on the Facebook page and on their digital billboard on Times Square. This is probably an attractive element for Dunkin' Donut fans and something unique you can't get elsewhere.
Customer Service “Portal”
Their customer service 'portal' will be where the people write to them. These stories are usually negative, with a campaign going on to make Dunkin' Donuts stop using palm oil in their products. A few of the people REALLY LOVE DUNKIN' DONUTS, but positive comments like that is usually written under the pictures they post.
Content flow
They have at least one post per day, and very often with a picture of a delicious snack or drink, which is a good flow of content. The possible customers are reminded every day of the products they can get at Dunkin' Donut. However, on October 22nd they posted eight pictures and five of them were of the same product with slightly different text on. A person who likes their page might find that a bit over the top and unlike if it isn't really that interesting. There is a thing called too much content flow and it feels a lot like spam.
I think Dunkin' Donuts' Facebook fan page is an attractive page for costumers and donut lovers in general. Especially the way they get people to post their on fan pictures is great for their brand.
Iselin Roberg

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